‘Up to here and no further!’ But then better phrased, and explained. 

Setting boundaries. It is easier said than done. You know where your boundaries lie, but you find it difficult to communicate them to others. What if they take it the wrong way? Or you do not know where your boundaries lie. Then you need a handy map to help you find them step by step. 

Saying ‘no’ to someone or something else is saying ‘Yes’ to yourself. Boundaries give you more space, not less. Space in which you can relax and grow. 

How you will learn to set boundaries in this course 

It seems like an abstract concept, but we have put it into practical steps for you. Because setting your boundaries is a combination of skills: communicating, showing self-love, being assertive and reflecting. You will do this step by step. At your own pace. 

Why you must learn to set boundaries 

Life’s too short! But really. When you learn to set your own boundaries, you not only have more time but also more energy, self-love and mind space for things that make you happy. It means less worrying and more relaxation. Moreover, it is an enormous boost for your relationships: by indicating the expectations and boundaries, you will learn how to interact in a healthier and more relaxed way with friends, family, colleagues and that one neighbour who always drops by for a coffee when it is not convenient. 

Who is this course on boundary setting for? 

Anyone who wants to learn how to set boundaries without woolly practices, one-to-one therapy or difficult theory: this course is for you. We have made the concept of setting boundaries accessible and understandable. We focus on the things that really help and that you really need to know. We make it applicable because we want you to really benefit from it. That you recognise and acknowledge your boundaries, and not just point them out on a map, so to speak. 

Course Curriculum

Grenzen Stellen
Welcome 00:25:00
Why is it difficult to set boundaries? 00:07:00
Where do your boundaries lie? 00:20:00
Self-Care 00:45:00
Alignment & Expectation 00:10:00
Consequence 01:00:00
Step-By-Step Plan 00:30:00
Assertiveness 00:45:00
Important 00:15:00

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