Mental Vitality
On Facts

Measuring Is Knowing

High absenteeism, low productivity and feeling like you are behind the times as an organisation?

Then monitor the mental vitality of your employees. Use it to proactively manage wellbeing and offer your employees exactly what they need. This increases both productivity and performance and prevents absenteeism. Employees are therefore sustainably employable, feel happy in their roles and get the most out of themselves.

One minute to midnight before asking for help

Reality shows that employees continue with complaints for far too long before their manager is informed.

9.4 million absenteeism days due to work stress

TNO has calculated that this is a cost of €9300 per employee per year.

6 in 10 remain silent about mental health issues

and work stress. Almost half do not even report this when they call in sick.

1.2 million workers with burnout symptoms

This is 1 in 7 workers.
They experience symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, insomnia, agitation and difficulty concentrating.

Instantly see what is needed!

  • With the Mental Fit Scan, your organisation gains insight into who needs support and in which areas it can be proactively managed to increase mental vitality.

    This way, you take control of your employees’ well-being and are no longer surprised by absenteeism.

    In short, you don’t waste time, energy and resources trying to find out what support is needed, but meet the specific needs directly. This guarantees the sustainable employability of your employees.

    Would you like to know more about the Mental Fit Scan? We would be happy to tell you more.


Besides the standard Mental Fit Scan, additional themes can be included in the scan.

Beforehand, we carefully examine your request for help and formulate the goals. In this way, the standard scan can be supplemented with specific topics.

For example:

Let us know, and we will tailor the scan completely to your needs and suited to the organisation.

Analysis & Approach


Both the employee and the organisation receive an analysis of the completed scan.

For each theme, attention is paid to the score. The employee’s report immediately provides practical tips and advice on how to increase mental vitality.

The organisation receives information about the outcome of the scan at departmental level. This allows us to guarantee anonymity if required.


To increase mental vitality, a development plan can be drawn up if required, based on the analysis. This can be done organisation-wide or at employee level.

The focus here is on setting the right priorities and formulating concrete actions.

With this development plan, the organisation knows exactly what to do.

Our Services

Every organisation is unique. That is why we always tailor our services to their needs and requirements. This is how we can really make a difference!

Mental Fit Scan

Steer your employees’ well-being proactively and on the basis of facts. This is how you prevent absenteeism and ensure sustainable employability.


These range from intensive 1-to-1 sessions, group coaching or speed coaching. The latter allows you to offer your employees coaching in an approachable way.

The coaching sessions are delivered live or online, depending on the employee’s wishes.

Digital Toolkit

In this comprehensive kit, which is put together to suit your needs, you will find topics such as: coping with stress, self-care and our unique method, making lasting positive changes on a subconscious level.

Fully digital and can be followed at your own pace.


Depending on the needs, the interactive training sessions range from half a day to several half-day sessions.

With lightness and openness, participants will experience the changes, allowing them to immediately apply it in practice.

Mental Vitality Program

Give your employees the optimum support with our Mental Vitality Program.

The baseline measurement is followed by a kick-off workshop. The employees get to work with the digital toolkit and the coach is easily reachable.

By means of the scan, the results are reported and actions are optimised.

Talent Motivation Analysis

With the TMA talent analysis for individuals and teams, you get the best out of your employees.

It gives more job satisfaction and energises employees and therefore automatically reduces absenteeism. It also provides insight into how to improve mutual cooperation and understanding.

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Get In Touch

Curious as to how we can help you? ​

Contact us for more information and to explore how best to roll out the Mental Fit Scan in your organisation.

We will respond within 1 working day.

Contact Form

Mirjam & Willeke


As a coach, Mirjam has a practical and goal-oriented approach.

She has worked at management  level within various international organisations for many years. During this time she herself suffered from panic attacks and feelings of unrest. She managed to overcome these issues and now wants to help others to be and remain mentally vital. 


Heart-centred, compassionate, and always solution-oriented. Willeke has helped countless people to be the best version of themselves and overcome obstacles at work. As a psychologist and coach, she has worked with listed companies since 2000.

You can also benefit from her extensive knowledge and experience, even remotely.

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