Our Digital Coach Kit

We are convinced that our kits with practical exercises, videos, audios and texts will bring about a change for everyone. Of course, it is up to you to apply this in your life. Do not forget that when you try out new things, you will already have all the tools you need. 

The basic course is more extensive than the enrichment module. In the basic course, you have more tools at your disposal. The enrichment module is an addition to that and focuses on a specific subject. 

This is possible, but we advise you to start with the basic course. This will provide you with all the basic tools. This way, you will know yourself better and will be able to work on a deeper level with the Second Aid Kit. 

No, the live coaching and the community are meant to complement the First and Second Aid Kits.  

The live coaching takes place on Mondays. The even weeks on Monday morning at 10:00 and the odd weeks in the Afternoon at 16:00. There is enough time to answer all questions. 

We have carefully put together the packages with practical tools for people who want to get started by themselves. Have you completed a package and feel that it has not helped you? Then we will refund your money. Of course, you can always let us know what you missed, but you do not have to state a reason. 

The Course

After each lesson, you can ask your questions in the learning environment. We will then provide you with an answer as quickly as possible. Sign up for the Third Aid Kit if you need more support. You can then ask personal questions during live coaching and in the community. 

You can ask questions at the end of each lesson in the course. We will get back to you with an answer as soon as possible. 

If you are logged in, you can immediately start all courses in the academy. Go to the relevant course page and click “start course” to get started. 

My Account

Click on your name in the top right-hand corner. Then click on the Settings tab. Here you can change your password. 

Yes, it can! All videos on our site are recorded in high quality. Check the video player to see if it is set to the highest quality or if your internet connection is functioning correctly. Do you not see the option to switch quality? This may be due to your browser. Some browsers (such as Safari) block this option, so we recommend watching the videos using Chrome or Firefox. 

Can't figure it out?

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us 

© 2024 Digital Coach Kit