
Doing what you do best!
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High turnover, high absenteeism and feeling like you are behind the times as an organisation?

With the scientifically based Talent Motivation Analysis (TMA), based on positive psychology, you gain insight into the needs and talents of individuals and teams. Digital Coach Kit teaches people how to use their talents, improve collaboration and job satisfaction.


  • The employee is happy and experiences job satisfaction, because they are doing what they do best, and the outcome is optimal performance.  As a result, your company flourishes. People mainly get motivated to work on things that they are good at, or for which they know they have a natural aptitude. The more someone is committed to their talents, the more easily they will develop.

    In short, the TMA method provides a lot of insight into the drives, talents and development potential of your employees, so that they can return to work with enthusiasm, appreciate each other’s differences and work better together.

    Would you like to know more? We would be happy to tell you.

Information & Approach


TMA stands for Talent Motivation Analysis. It is a scientifically based method to find out and gain insight into what each employee needs to do best at work.

This analysis provides insight into 22 drives, 44 talents and the individual and team competence potential (53 competences).

The more employees can develop and demonstrate behaviour that is in line with their innate drives and talents, the easier it is for them to get things done.

This also creates more job satisfaction. This is what we like to see in the workplace!


Every organisation is unique therefore we always adapt our approach to your needs and requirements. This is how we can really make a difference.

Both individuals and teams can use TMA analysis. For a TMA process, a choice can be made from the components below:

– Individuals/team members take an online TMA test of 312 statements beforehand (taking approx. 30-45 minutes).

One TMA development interview per person to discuss the results of the TMA analysis. Specific development questions are included.

– Team members and manager receive the comprehensive, objective and scientifically substantiated individual TMA report (18 pages). Talent and Competence Passport will be provided at extra cost.

– If the TMA analysis is used as part of an assessment: Consultation with the manager to discuss to what extent the candidate fits the job profile.

– In the case of team projects: the manager receives the extensive TMA team report and the team competency potential (53 competencies).

– Presentation/session with the manager and TMA professional Willeke van Barneveld in which the team report is discussed.

– TMA team session(s) in which results are shared with the team and in which team members work to (further) discover each other’s needs, talents and differences.



Understanding individual and team talents. How you prefer to communicate, which work environment suits you and discover why you behave in a certain way.


An objective substantiation of the extent to which an applicant fits within a position/role, based on present needs, talents and competences.

Development potential

Understanding the team's development potential, with recommendations on how employees can develop their talents to perform better.


Understanding each other's qualities, strengthens cooperation and ensures an effective and pleasant division of workload.


By taking into account each other's preferred communication styles, there is smooth and clear communication.

Work happiness

Discover which skills you learn easily and what makes you happy. Gain insight into your energisers and energy drains.

Example Reports

Full Report


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Curious how we can help you?

Please contact us for further information to discuss how TMA can be effectively used in your organisation. 

We will reply within one workday. 

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