Who is this course for?


Anyone who feels negatively affected by the stress surrounding them and who wants to deal with stress better! You absolutely do not need to have any previous experience with stress management, therapy, meditation or other practices. This is a practical toolkit that anyone can use, straightforward and with tools that make a real impact. You can use the toolkit in difficult moments or to prepare yourself better.


What is included in the kit?


Think of the toolkit as a first aid kit: First Aid for Stress. Instead of plasters and gauze, you get breathing exercises you can use anywhere, anytime and tips for your mindset and beliefs. Additionally, we also deal with the physical effects of stress.

These practical tools are always literally at your fingertips to help you navigate through those difficult moments simply via your phone. You will find audios, videos and practical exercises in the kit that you can use to reduce stress immediately.

You will discover:

  • How to deal with your body’s reaction
  • How to be more in touch with your body
  • How to use your breathing to reduce stress
  • How to be more in touch with your emotions and feelings
  • What your beliefs are
  • How you can create a mindset to tackle stress
  • How to use the Heart Reset Method to deal with difficult emotions or situations
  • How to increase self-love and confidence

From now on, you will always have a coach on hand! How will that help you deal with stress?

After purchasing this kit, you can always use one of the tools in any stressful situation, which will make it easier for you to cope with difficult moments.

So, do you want to deal more effectively with stressful situations so that you, too, can enjoy the freedom of living based on love and trust? Then start this course today!



Course Curriculum

0. Welkom bij Eerste Hulp Bij Stress
0.1 Welcome To First Aid For Stress 00:02:00
0.2 Introduction 00:15:00
0.3 Practical Info 00:10:00
1. Check Je Lichaam
1.1 Your Body Reacts 00:30:00
1.2 The Check 00:20:00
1.3 Breathing 00:20:00
1.4 Body 00:10:00
1.5 Head 00:20:00
1.6 Take Yourself Seriously 00:05:00
2. Luister Naar Je Hart
2.1 Heart Reset 00:15:00
2.2 The Action Plan 00:05:00
2.3 Feel And Then Write Your Starting Sentence 00:20:00
2.4 Choose Your Movement 00:10:00
2.5 Start & Check 00:15:00
2.6 Important Information 00:05:00
3. Verknip Je Gedachten
3.1 Mind Reset 00:20:00
3.2 Awareness 00:15:00
3.3 Focus 00:30:00
3.4 Gratitude 00:15:00
3.5 Change 00:05:00
4. Verbanden Leggen
4.1 Beliefs 00:15:00
4.2 What Do You Believe? 00:20:00
4.3 What Are The Consequences? 00:25:00
4.4 What Do You Want To Believe? 00:20:00
4.5 How Can You Believe It? 01:00:00
4.6 Have Fun 00:05:00
5. Masker op, Masker af
5.1 The Mask 00:15:00
5.2 Which Mask Are You Wearing? 00:25:00
5.3 Advantages Of A Mask 00:05:00
5.4 Disadvantages Of A Mask 00:05:00
5.5 When To Take Your Mask Off? 00:10:00
5.6 Self-Acceptance 00:05:00
6. Pleister van de wond
6.1 Self-Care 00:15:00
6.2 Talking To Yourself 00:15:00
6.3 Trust 00:25:00
6.4 Intuition 00:25:00
6.5 Conclusion 00:15:00

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