Who will benefit from this course? 

It’s great that our primal brain still has that fight, flight or freeze response, but it’s clearly out of balance. You suddenly feel panic coming on, when there is no tiger around, in fact you are just getting ready for a party. Should you just stay home? 

Some people feel it with their heartbeat, others in their head. Or a bit everywhere, of course. First of all: you are not alone. And maybe even more important: you can do something about it. 


What will you learn during this course? 

Perhaps you know what your triggers are. Maybe you have no idea and have been struggling with panic attacks and anxiety in private for ages. It always helps to have some understanding of what causes it and that your brain and thoughts are always involved to some extent. Even if you can’t control your triggers, you can control your reaction to them. 

So in this course, you will learn to take control in a healthy way and find peace again. From breathing exercises to understanding what your mind is trying to tell you: it will all be covered in a practical, down-to-earth way so that you can drastically reduce the impact that anxiety has on your life. 


Course Curriculum

First Aid For Anxiety & Panic
0.1 Welcome 00:02:00
0.2 Introduction 00:15:00
0.3 Practical Info 00:10:00
1. Check Your Body
1.1 Your Body Reacts 00:20:00
1.2 Anxiety And The Brain 00:30:00
1.3 What To Do In Case Of A Panic Attack? 01:30:00
1.4 Anxiety And Other Emotions 00:25:00
1.5 Checking In 00:45:00
1.6 Small Steps 00:05:00
2. Listen To Your Heart
2.1 Heart Reset 00:20:00
2.2 The Action Plan 00:10:00
2.3 Feel And Then Write Your Starting Sentence 00:15:00
2.4 Choose Your Movement 00:10:00
2.5 Start & Check 00:25:00
2.6 Important information 00:10:00
3. Change Your Thought Cycle
3.1 Mind Reset 00:25:00
3.2 Thought Cycle 00:25:00
3.3 Helpful questions 00:25:00
3.4 Focus 00:45:00
3.5 Change 00:10:00
4. Connecting The Dots
4.1 Beliefs 00:25:00
4.2 What Do You Believe? 00:45:00
4.3 What Are The Consequences? 00:30:00
4.4 What Do You Want To Believe? 00:30:00
4.5 How Can You Believe Them? 01:00:00
4.6 Have Fun 00:10:00
5. Say Goodbye To Your Anxiety
5.1 Voice Reset 00:30:00
5.2 What Parts Do You Have? 01:00:00
5.3 The Manager 00:45:00
5.4 The Critic 00:30:00
5.5 The Anxiety Part 01:00:00
5.6 The Next Module 00:02:00
6. Removing The Band-aid
6.1 The Bigger Picture 00:45:00
6.2 Healing 00:45:00
6.3 Trust 00:30:00
6.4 Self-Care 00:45:00
6.5 Tot slot 00:15:00

Course Reviews


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  1. Simpel maar doelgericht!


    Een nuchtere cursus dat mij heeft geholpen om met mijn angst om te gaan. Leuke (teken) video’s. De audio’s beluister ik nog steeds regelmatig voor ontspanning. Absoluut geen spijt van!

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